What happened?

Is anyone paying attention?

(This takes around 2 hours to watch)

Is it all about HER age, HER endometriosis, HER need for door eggs, HER size  .

Failure to implant?
No embryos AGAIN after IVF?

Baby died in utero?
All sorts of pregnancy mishaps . .

This is incredibly important to watch – maybe twice

Almost no one is asking this question (‘What Happened?’) – which means the amount of fear (thus ignorance) abounding allows you to be manipulate into decisions that are less than quality (farming model) inclined.

Why have we forgotten that HE is half the baby (or lack of)

Very good question:

WHY is 4% LOOKING more or less normal the bench mark?

In times past if there was that many LOOKING more or less normal they would do ICSI with it.
Not a bedroom baby – maybe a pregnancy that fails, or a baby not made well.


There is a missing piece of information

It may help everyone who finds that babies are not following sex (in their bedrooms) as they always have before
Also explain why IVF is not able to ‘help’ you – you may need to start where Nature needs you to

W.H.O. parameters of fertile sperm

(All they had to be)

Year being visually normal
– one head, one tail – no mention of actual chromosomal integrity).
1980 80.5%
1987 50%
1992 30%
1999 15%
2010 4%
2018 ?%Where can this go next?


You may wonder why no one telling you this terrible truth.
Q – What is happening to the world?

A – The toxic state we find the environment is mirrored within you

Beginnings . . .

A questin not often asked . . .or answered
Sex is for making babies – so why is it not?

What is going on?

Uterine position may need correcting

This is also answer . .
I do both and all I have designed over the decades . .

What can I offer with the uterine malposition – and adhesions and past scars holding everything all bound up?
Almost NO fertility specialist and NO natural therapist knows about this – when I discovered how to alter this externally and gently using the Arvigo work – I felt I had rekindled my joy at work – and am horrified that no one else seems to know – YES it is vitally important – and there is so much more . .YOU need to get serious about self care. Maybe explore what I have on my site here? am also a Mercier therapist. There is a list of those who have taken on this amazing work.here.

A fusion of this plus all I have learned in the past 4 decades

I am training up practitioners who will GENTLE the situation as you have had enough of the forcing that has been happening.

If you are a practitioner yourself – maybe this would interest you? Check out here.

Why do they not do this now??

Having a baby is a life long responsibility – they grow up to be constant distractions – past being cute . .

Why we might want to unpack what happened to us before .

As that has an influence on us now and in the future . .

How do you ensure you do not ‘need’ to scan or worry about baby quality?

Start with the best

Perhaps since I mentioned vaccination and you are swamped with ‘be good’/responsible messages to the contrary – it IS safe and it IS necessary – you might want to stop off, wonder what causes health and see why some as myself are saying – might want to research that for yourself.  .. and read/watch some of this . I sincerely wish someone had said so to me . . Why are you doing that?


What do they do/why do we need to test them?

Maybe we will need to allow the ingredients to be seen by the cells so we can use them?
No good it being in the blood and testing as being there – we are NOT in a clean state .. .

Asking awkward questions . .

Have you investigated the sperm health page?

Your choice.. .

Sperm analysis  look at the test again – and redo it
Your Jing Markers??
Look at again and fill in and compare from when you started.


INTRODUCTION to understanding why sperm matters



Someone needs to get serious – stop ‘trying’ and actually get the job done well.
How many miscarriages/false starts can you deal with?




Declutter – Yourself, 

Reset – Back to Perfect,

Restore Your Birthright – Easy Babies!