What causes Health?

What causes health?

Perhaps see what causes illness from a traditional healing (oral wisdoms of all different cultures got us to here – before the past 100 or so years when the retail business took over and everyone was indoctrinated into thinking only those who had studied certain ways of thinking knew information worth following  that their family wisdoms and what the mother all did to keep us fed, protected and well – was wrong  .

Also the role of Vitamin D3 – and we now told to be scared of the sun

It is NOT tested for children/babies/fetuses . .?

Why is everyone believe this is a health measure?
Nutrient pathways ..
IS there a study of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children?
Not that is ‘acceptable’ as there is no one paying attention to the reports of the parents who choose health over fear.

Please research – you live with the consequences.
If you start looking at the periscope series – from the Vaxxed bus and all the medical staff who are showing up to give their observations and the myriad parents with their stores of their damaged children – you may wish that you had not outsourced your thinking quite so easily.

Please start thinking for yourself

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