Welcome . .
It took me 40 years and a full time sense of urgency and deeply delving to get his information together – so it all works.
It also is not what you may have ever heard before – there is something here for everyone.
You may have a . . burning set of questions – please jot them down if they are not answered at the course’s end . .
Problem – what you have learned/expect to see/what used to work – is now not so much.
OR/& there is so much more that you know is out here and you have found this way.
Brand new day – you are inspired, excited to be going on to work to see what miracles undo as you share deeply of yourself.
The Moving Blockages style is NOT diagnosis – no mind games – just undoing the tangle to allow the person peace.
You may be wondering what you ‘get’ in/for this course.
A LOT!! I have spent years assembling this set of resources –
I sincerely hope you take from this what is need to go much further than I could.
A lot futher on .. .
The Transformative Healing Affiliate programme – follow as options once the basic TCM to meridian based advanced channel application.
The hands-on and experiential workshops are additional to this.
All my courses begin with Self Care.
Self Discovery (both online) flow effortlessly ).
We start with (self) YOU
You are the one who all stems through and from
1 – Self Care
It may be a stretch for you to consider YOURSELF first
This may take a bit – as much of this is not what you are used to hearing . .
Maybe – you may get upset about what I suggest in food choices – I try to stay with biology – not beliefs. .
On completion of this module – after the quiz is completed you will receive the bonus
‘Reset Your Metabolism’ course
Month 2 – Self Discovery
If we undo our own story – we may gain mastership of ourselves
We may need tools
I redefine ethics
We may need to clean and declutter all we may.
On completion of this module – after the quiz is completed you will receive the bonus
Women’s Massage Course
Month 3 – 8 Extra Meridians
This is to go into the TH package as an introduction.
Explaining that YES you have to do it in the order you have been given.
Understand how a body works – in wellness
1 – The Food Factory
2 – The belly moves to calm yourself (and others)
3 – The body secrets that anyone can do – on Foundational Moves – as a start to finish session with me minus needles.
The Self Discovery pack allows you to undo Your Story
The Tools
Then – what next? Others and in your life..
Ethics? Biological Sustainability . .
1 – Breathing
2 – Hydration
3 – Safety
4 – Get outside – sunshine negative ions, life
5 – Touch
6 – Reason for being here
7 – Nourishment – on all levels.
On completion of this module – after the quiz is completed you will receive the bonus
‘Transformative Healing’ photographic essay
Welcome to the fourth month
Check out the ways that I have uncovered that seem to hold true for any body system . .
5 ‘T’s’ ..
- Tension
- Temperature
- Torpor
- Trauma
- Toxins
Let us discover how we can put the blueprint back together again – so the body heals itself.
So many easily undone situations when you step into meridians, Qi and Shen and away from the physical end results of the body being distressed. . .let us put it all back together again!
On completion of this module – after the quiz is completed you will receive the bonus
Different Moxa Uses
Month 5 – Resources
What to expect here .. .
You need more to share about – and this lesson is an audio visual delight. It segues well into the maternity section next month.This module is packed with helpers – (not these below – they are the next course downloads) – we are half way through.
The Transformative Healing Affiliate package available when you are through this part of the schooling allows you not only the fortnightly tutorial and reviews of what we have covered before, but these entire membership coaching programmes to use when you are with people who need to know – more than you can access.
Now – posters, eBooks
‘Reunion meditation’ MP3 ‘What Dads Can Do’ manual and 2 MP4’s and the pre pregnancy MP4 – ‘Getting There’
Done for you . . later
My Natural Life Coach (Live Well)
Natural Pregnancy Coach – the beginnings of – so you can feel the changes needed in our entire culture.
And the world of Jing and baby centred mammalian maternity awaits ..
(Next module)
Also later. .
Natural Parenting Coach – essentially – boundaries and
Don’t Break the Baby
Natural Fertility Detective (Sex makes babies – why is it not?)
Natural Fertility Coach ..
(Can’t do it all at once . . .)
On completion of this module – after the quiz is completed you will receive the bonus
Self Massage course
Month 6 – Maternity
Before we look to how to ‘fix’ anything we may need to review what normal is.
And what Nature set in motion as a workable proposition- indeed a survival requirement – we could birth by ourselves and rear our young independently of ANYONE ELSE . .
All mammals across the world – and for millennia.
Mammalian or medicalised maternity?
How is it that we now see women’s bodies as being inherently dangerous and not working well?
Perhaps we need to have nutrients and flows?
Are all working as designed?
And then – TRUST – no fear.

This module has my 1994 and 2006 versions.
Now in 2018 – I shift again.
Focus – baby.
Baby centered birth must be all about being a mammal.
What can we do to foster undisturbed and non violent/gentle birth?
That is the question I hope you ask as you delve into this subject.
NEVER inducing ‘just because’ for starters . .
On completion of this module – after the quiz is completed you will receive the bonus
Avoiding and Repairing After C Sections
Month 7 – Men Matter
Men are so important and they get little mention – until something serious seems to be going wrong ..
They are responding badly to the world – as women’s bodies are .
We perhaps need to pay closer attention.
Natural – and how to bring men back to perfectly functioning.
All ages and stages of life
On completion of this module – after the quiz is completed you will receive the bonus of a
1 – Men’s Massage course PLUS
2 – Practitioner’s version of the Male Fertility Enhancement package.
There are so many women out there who need their men attended to . .
Pain – 8th month
This is often why we are sought out
Pain is experienced on all levels – and not often only on one at a time
We explore what hurts and why .. .
All levels – especially the psychic.
How to undo the lack of flow?
It could be your life that hurts – or your heart – or your knee . .
Where is the beginning – what started this in motion?
You will find an array of resources that delve deeper into scars, Stuck Belly Blood and the Calming the Shen –
It may be a great move to go back and review what you discovered in yourself for yourself in the second month – Self Discovery and reviewing your own story as this and the Undoing of the Inner Library is usually the way out in to more Light and clarity.
On completion of this module – after the quiz is completed you will receive the bonus
The Natural Health Coach and Live Well manual
9 – Welcome to the last month
Here we start to look forwards .. as I did on 1999 when I presented –
Acupuncture in the New Millennium
At that point I was past concerned into very upset at where acupuncture was going.
Nearly 20 years ago – now we are in a place I could see.there .
In this segment we will look also at the new Ethics
2016 – I prepared “Playing the Fix-It Game”
Now we have Biology vs Beliefs – Losing Our Religion – your bonus on completion!
The three circles now show their might!
We move onto Dry Needling – is it all that bad?
Are we not all intending to help heal?
The online membership courses
- The Natural Health Coach
- The Natural Pregnancy Coach
- The Natural Parenting Coach
- The Natural Fertility Detective
- The Natural Fertility Coach
From this next package – Transformative Healing Affiliates – as we go into the ‘done for you’ packages that are for those seeking your help – condensed from my multi modality career – and the practitioners’ version – as we study together online in tutorials how best you can assist hose coming in .
The end of this Transformative Healing package signals the next step towards further excellence in clinic!
On completion of this module – after the quiz is completed you will receive the bonus
Ethics – Biology versus Beliefs – Losing Your Religion
In a few weeks (once the quizzes and CPD points are corrected this will be almost doubled in price.
I have yet to count up the hours.
Many weekend workshops so much downloadable material and of course so many videoed clips of me working, teaching and also expiiang ‘why it is so’.
Payment plan mean the information is unlocked only after monthly payments – and having completed the quizzes to get the bonuses.
If you pay outright the unlocking process goes as fast as you can slide through the course.
I hope that you enjoy