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Transformative Healing 6 : Maternity

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Before we look to how to ‘fix’ anything we may need to review what normal is.

And what Nature set in motion as a workable proposition- indeed a survival requirement
– we could birth by ourselves and rear our young independently of ANYONE ELSE  . . 

All mammals across the world have done – for millennia.

Mammalian or medicalised maternity?

How is it that we now see women’s bodies as being inherently dangerous and not working well? Perhaps we need to have nutrients and flows?

Are all working as designed? And then – TRUST – no fear.


This module has my 1994 and 2006 versions.

Now in 2018 – I shift again.

Focus – baby.

Baby-centered birth must be all about being a mammal.

What can we do to foster undisturbed and non violent/gentle birth? That is the question I hope you ask as you delve into this subject.

NEVER inducing ‘just because’ for starters . .