What used to work

It is to make babies. You should be making too many at inconvenient times .
As your forebears did.

Pre IVF – we natural and regular health care professionals helped you work out why not. – Except if you had private health insurance – when tinkering happened (to her). It is a very different story now. Womb position? Anti baby dance worked as contraception for one woman. We need to align our body to perfect functioning BEFORE any pregnancy happens – and along the way – all health challenges are likely to be resolved. Bodies are NOT designed to work well with bits in the wrong spots. You will have been having body messages (pain and dysfunction). You ma have noticed that all ‘helpers’ are keeping it more comfy – but expecting you to stay like that. Excuses used – medical conditions – endo, dysmenorrhea, low sperm morphology etc. Fix that and you are making (better) babies naturally – all over the life as your older relations did.