Self & Space Clearing . .


This may be your already practice – or it may be a brand new idea to you.
It may be the beginning of peace in a form that you could have never imagined.

We are more than our physical body.

We have a huge energy and Light back up to support the portion of what this culture sees as being ‘real’.

Traditional (more aware) cultures saw the seen/visible and the unseen/intangible realms as being real.
When they attended to these, problems they may have been having were often cleared.
Whether it was their own energy interface, or whether it ‘really’ altered that of another is immaterial when a very troubling situation is resolved – we can then move on.Traditional human cultures had those who could ‘walk between the worlds’. They were offered special tasks

While most people now in the ‘civilised’ world are blissfully ignorant – others hold their ancestors,those who walked before them dear. Their entire life focus may be to ensure that they step lightly on their memories to ensure no interference. There will have been reasons for this apparently ‘superstitious’ reverence.

Until something happens to not make sense.
In these times, this more sensitive way of being may be the only way you find peace.