Transformative Healing (TH) program

The Transformative Healing (TH) program is structured so that participants need to start with the Self Care package and work through each course in turn.

They include “How-To” videos showing the techniques being taught so they can be practised and reviewed as you go.
All of these moves have been extensively trialled in my life as a practitioner and teacher.

These moves all work in clinic and as a take home for patients
– they stand-alone in ease and results.

This sequential approach is to prepare the TH students for the deeper learnings they will find in the later course material.

Transformative Healing online course

The early modules teach skills to help with personal growth and understanding that are essential to successfully emerging as a well-rounded healer who can deal with whatever situation arises, whether in clinic or their personal lives.

These earlier online courses are provided as pre-requisites for anyone to the hands-on and experiential teachings.
They are needed as we as a profession, and a general culture see not the need for self-growth, but rescuing others.

My expectation is that you will have worked through the online courses before the face-to-face workshops to prepare you for the content in the more advanced workshops.

Many may feel that they are ready to dive in without starting at the beginning. There are no short cuts in life.

My experience as an acupuncture teacher over the decades has been that the life challenges come thick and fast when work is needed on the inner/personal level, the non-content, the self development has to keep apace.

Few courses allow for this.
The Master/Apprentice model always did.

Without the inner work needed to change towards healing, what is blocked and resisted against can produce strong reactions in the student.

Stuck Qi has to be released.
This may be very difficult to manage.
Life storage can’t stay there.
The body has to be used as intended.
Working on this area will run into what has been previously hidden.

Leading into birth often brings up so much that had been stored in the body.

Past incidents/trauma needs undoing.
Not just in birthing – but in any venture – pain is there because there is a blockage.

By gently attending to what started this off rather than reactively trying to fix – we may make permanent changes. .

Different learning styles

Data vs knowledge vs wisdom.

The data versus wisdom approach seems to be effective.
Maybe this is what most wish for as it seems easy.

The acupuncture training now being in post PRC bio-medicalised TCM ensures this.

However, those who have gone down this path – usually at least 10 years in practice – often find that more is needed.
They start seeking.

The Gentling Way was designed to help those who seek to undo what set their own trajectory into ‘nothing works’ – so far.

Self first

This is why the two self packages precede the 8 Extras and acupuncture practice content (especially the case stories putting all of this into action).

Going straight to these may not ‘make sense’ as you did not read the instructions.

8 Extras and all meridian work

The role of the 8 Extras is to collect the perverse Qi – until the body is ready to deal with it.

Eventually the cupboard gets ‘too full’ – and the overflow causes problems. Attending piecemeal is not likely to ‘work’.


Attending the workshops without going through the online courses may well trigger unexpected emotional responses that might be hard to cope with without learning the necessary tools beforehand.