Jing Markers

What are Jing Markers?

Your own health report card.
Far more useful than any medical test including all those blood ones ..

Most women who show up for ‘infertility’ treatment share a few basic and distressingly overlooked commonalities. They may not have all of these, but will have a fair number. At a straw poll level, I would suggest that over the years I have noticed there has been one third arriving with at least three of the four initial symptoms, and at least half of all experiencing significant numbers of the rest.

So – what are we doing not looking at the ‘non obvious’ menstrual markers?

Whilst these are not the TCM eight questions, we could hone in on some specific Blood/Jing markers. Just looking at the ‘warm feet at night” example – I have noticed at least one half of all my patient intake, when asked this question looks at me as though I am somewhat psychic – some have given up mentioning it (when it gets to the outright burning stage), some just think this is how life is/has ALWAYS been.

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