Aura Soma


This is a beautifully subtle yet powerful way to live life! Aura Soma. A combination of colour, plant and crystal energy. A never-ending nourishment and support Aura-Soma  connecting the Earth’s energies and Mother Nature to the individual. Harnessing the vibrational powers of Mother Nature, Aura‑Soma is a system of colour, plant and crystal energies that enhance happiness and vitality. Clarity is what is gained by using these little bottles of magic.

Aura Soma  contains the dynamic  living energies of nature – herbs and flowers, essential oils and natural colour from plants. They are  put together in such a way that they assist you through their vibration to bring balance and harmony to your being on all levels.
The Aura-Soma Story – The name of this therapeutic system, which was discovered by Vicky Wall, an English chiropodist and apothecary, was transmitted to her by means of prayer and meditation, including the hyphen.
The word Aura refers to the electromagnetic field surrounding everyone,  it comes from the Latin  and means akin to air, a slight breath, a vapour, a shimmer.    Soma is an ancient Greek word for body.  It’s also a Sanskrit word meaning ‘ a mysterious drink that transports the soul into a divine ecstasy.”Vicky Wall grew up as the youngest daughter in a Hasidic family in England. Her father was a master of the Kabbala and a herbalist. He introduced Vicky to the “Science of Signatures”  when she was a small child.  The Science of Signatures states that everything in nature is described or marked – that is, that the outer appearance of a plant gives clues to its characteristics.  Paracelsus (1403-1541) was considered the master of this science, however he considered the decoding of the essence and healing characteristics of a plant as an art.Vicky applied this knowledge in combination with the Vedic Chakra Teaching, which divides the human body into areas of different colours.  Vicky was both psychic and clairvoyant from a very young age and her clairvoyance enabled her to perceive a person as a “rainbow.”  She could also detect if something was not right in this rainbow.  It was not until she was 60 years of age that she learned that her ideas and perceptions coincided with the ancient Indian Chakra Teachings.In 1984 when Vicky was 66 years old and blind as a result of sudden and massive eye hemorrhage, a miraculous event happened one night. She gathered an abundance of various natural ingredients together in her small laboratory at her home and began her alchemical work.She reported later that throughout the process of creation her hands were guided.All Aura-Soma ingredients belong to the plant and mineral kingdoms and, in addition, to the kingdoms of colour and light.   When the first bottles were produced she herself didn’t know their purpose. She guessed that they must be cosmetic oils, for the upper half of the substances in the bottles consisted of a coloured oily liquid floating on a second layer of water-based liquid of another colour. When shaken, for a short time a lotion of 50% water and 50% oil was produced. This proportion corresponds exactly to the consistency of asses’ milk, in which Cleopatra used to bathe to retain her soft, beautiful skin.

Initially Vicky had no inkling of the scope or the importance of her “discovery.” Quite rapidly, Vicky began to present her “jewels” as she called the oils, at fairs and exhibitions and experienced one surprise after another, for the contents of the little bottles were substantially more effective than could have been expected from mere cosmetics.  They had an extraordinary healing effect on people  and Vicky began to document the information people using the oils reported back to her.  Vicky began to realise that there was still much to discover about Aura-Soma.

I often wonder – how does anyone live without it?

I discovered this system of healing through colour and vibration in early 1990. These bottles have allowed me to function through a that I have lived through instantly clearing any fog or (mis) perception – allowing me to be more of who I am to be.

I have always used the bottles themselves and in clinic I have people choose what resonates, then I sprinkle them with their gifts. We look through why the bottle may have been chosen, and the affirmation it brings.
This clarity shifts so much. Profound this always is. May need to be experienced.

May be start your journey today?

As with all things you may feel called.

Please reach out to a practitioner near you


Generally – colours may open you to aspects of yourself, supporting the connection of emotional and mental self with your physicality. They’re the perfect addition to a holistic programme. As with many well-ness models, where like attracts like, you will be instinctively drawn to colours that reflect and support who you are and what you need for optimal enjoyment of your body and life.

  • Red – offers energy, awareness, and passion
  • Coral – strengthening our psyche, encouraging community and openness
  • Orange – supports interdependence in a relationship whilst maintaining our inner worth and truth
  • Gold – enhances a sense of connectedness and being part of a greater whole
  • Olive Green – confidence in the still, small voice in the depth of ourselves
  • Green – supports the manifestation of love in concrete activity
  • Turquoise – supports communication of the heartfelt experience
  • Blue – provides peace and a nurturing energy that may bring clarity
  • Royal Blue – cleansing, centring, and calming
  • Violet – wellbeing and greater understanding of new insights
  • Pink – stimulates our ability to receive love and feel love
  • White – strongly cleansing and harmonising on all levels

This blog list may trap you for hours as you come upon friends’ in healing.

Aura-Soma Pomanders protect and refresh our physical and emotional being and the colourful electromagnetic field, or light body, surrounding our physical body, often referred to as the aura. Using a Pomander can help to set an intention that as we protect and purify our own light, we will also be offering a protective and refreshing effect on everyone we encounter.


How you could use – these support and ground you in all you are to be.

  • Apply three drops on the left wrist and gently rub wrists together
  • Extend the arms above the head
  • Gently bring the hands in, and cross the wrists above the crown
  • Continue to open and close the arms in this manner, as you come down and cross over each of the energy centres
  • Stop and rest over the heart chakra for a few minutes
  • Continue down, giving energy to the earth
  • Spinning the hands in a backwards spiral, bring the hands all the way up the front of the body and above the head
  • To close the sequence, bring the palms together at the forehead and deeply inhale the Quintessence three times into the body.


A profoundly gentle way to instant clarity

to move forwards in grace and love