Shamanic De-armouring

Here we can use the work of Reich in a specific way to forcefully undo what is stored within – and how it holds the being STUCK.
A way to undo self at a profound level

What is Shamanic De-armoring?

ra-great_sleeper_dreamerShamanic De-armoring is an intense healing process that loosens past pain tapes held within the body, frees and expands the overall life force energy and stimulates vital health and happiness. It is a modernized shamanic technique and ceremony that restores one back to a natural balance. This process utilizes vibratory machines, specific pressure points, breathing techniques, and the movement of one’s sexual energy to loosen, break up, and remove the body’s armor.

We are much more than our body, we are more than we have even imagined ourselves to be. As sacred humans, we are a magnetic attracting thought space, interconnected with all forms of all things within Creation. Yet, most of the time we walk around asleep to the grandeur of our potential, consumed by what did or did not happen to us in the past and worried about whether or not it will happen in the future.

For a moment, consider yourself as a cell within the body of the Great Spirit. Remember a glimpse of knowing, a flash of illumination, or maybe a dream of enlightenment. Rather than casting it aside as impossible, acknowledge that you too have been called to awaken into a greater awareness of Truth.

We live at a time of a “quickening” within human evolution. A de-armored body welcomes, rather than fears, this quickening.