Who is ‘I’? A wake up

A very infrequently asked question

When we get to where we can – the fun starts.

Who/what  is running you?


There may be times when we stop to listen to an inner voice of disquiet.

When we wonder if what has been presented as the point to being here really is all that there is.

When we may nudge all the perceivable edges of ‘reality’, perhaps seeking a different sense to be made of the ‘life’ that we have constructed.

poolMaybe because we have become disillusioned by the apparent crassness and emptiness of our current terrestrial experience.

Maybe because we feel the yearning for opportunities to extend ourselves and to reach out to share our spark with others. ‘We’ (having been socialised into), as ‘pakeha’/white fella have lost our dreaming.

‘We’ (in this present ‘here’ and ‘now’) have no solid cultural/ intuitive grounding, no inner routes marked out, no Shaman to assist as we begin our Spirit Questings. . The Druidic/Celtic mythologies and knowings have been subsumed over time by the patriarchal hierarchical traditions within the fear based Christian religious dogma).

Hence, without inner discernment, ‘we’ may become seduced by the story-lines spun by those who are ‘guided’ to share what has been apparently whispered to them to share, from elsewhere through them.


Is there more than just go to work and try to survive?
Are we potentially more than being hamsters in a cage?

Twirling faster and faster on the wheel of our lives?

We may dabble in the occult, the ‘channellings’ and the ‘prophecies’. We may consider that all in physical body form, all that is manifest physically, is, by definition, sullied, bad and to be tolerated only whilst waiting to be rescued in some way, through deliverance, transcendence, ascension, death. We may resonate with those who write that we need to be forgiven our humanity, having decided that being here in this ‘now’ as human is an inferior choice. We may want to be magically freed of the pain and suffering the judgements we have as part of our social template create.

To become effortlessly released from the ongoing reactivity we create in response to those around us. Wistfully seeking to attain as our ‘normal’ setting, the apparently nirvanic state that we may have touched once, or have glimpsed in others.

We may wake up sufficiently to want more than the material trappings of this time and place. We may wish to reach out to the intangible place that an aspect of a deeper part of ourselves yearns for – the possibility of union, in peace, with all.

We may then strive to go beyond the story-lines/ personality desires and beliefs. We may then wish also to peel back the veneer of the projections each create to mask their inner self.

To be free from the treadmill that keeps the physical vehicle mobile, driven by a personal self that is fueled in ever-faster cycles of activity, by the need to get ahead, make more money, make something of self… All these activities supposedly resulting in “winning”. (In being seen as being ‘more’/better than before.)

To be free from the glamors of “here”. To even remember that to lose sight of this “here”, we open up to the possibilities of lifting a veil from our vision, and of reframing all from a different angle.

And then, as with any change in perspective – the possibility of there being more than one “right”… and that this “here” is probably transient – a construct, a game, an experiment in being within limitless limitations.

To be free to explore that which we set up to undo, prior to our entry. Set up to ensure that we COULD not sit comfortably within the dated, generalised socially conditioned script.



Through the grubby fog of smeary energy fields, we conduct ourselves here in the physical, as though we WERE those uncleaned windows of our soul. Is it any wonder we eventually allow the alcohol/drugs/exhaustion/self annihilation and self-loathing to create the space for loss of self-sovereignty? Do we, through the ego-constructed personality, measure ourselves up with others, as our adopted/socialised inner benchmarks and see ourselves as Less Than?

To then deviate into the fear driven paths that prop up all self-serving behaviours? To totally get lost within the game of life – forgetting that it is a distraction, a created space, so we DO forget, and we DO then get caught up.

The energy blocks, the rips and tears in our auric fields, the attachments and the stains, grime and general grubbiness that we do not perceive, (as it is not in the tangible world we take as being “reality”), all eventually become as though they were part of “us”.

We live here in the planet of ‘free choice’. . . . . It is through our choices that we are too busy to return ourselves to inner equilibrium.

We instead think that we can book in for a service, (massage, ‘healing’ session) and pay for our inner work to be done for us, as though we were the family car needing a tune-up.

We may seek ‘treatment’, for conditions that disturb our personality’s version on the point to our life.

The migraines stop us from living within an intolerable situation – fix the migraines, but leave the life intact.

The menstrual/hormonal disorders induced by the energy/blood blockages cover up the abhorrence sexual relating has been this life, since we set in motion a train of abuse encounters to work/live through.

How CAN we fully identify as Self-essence, with all the accumulations on board?

An invitation
  goes to here (by being in a body that can hurt) 

To here

  to a full ‘cage’ of reactivity

Maybe return again (with wisdoms earned)? See more here


The way forwards
Discover how much of you is covered up

We uncover Self – lustre bowls/copal/meditate – ask fr guidance, see more than self as being at work in our lives.
Why we meditate