You may feel drawn – as I was . . . still am . . .
My collection started around the same time Aura Soma came into my life. Both such an integral part of all I do.
In the corners of the rooms, under and around.
Crystals found if you look.
Information derived from the ancients and from archaeological discoveries in India, Chaldea, Mesopotamia, Egypt and ancient Greece indicate that the art of crystal healing has existed within humankind from its very beginnings. For many thousands of years, the art of crystal healing has always been seen as a natural part of medicine, a tradition that continued in the West until the Renaissance.
Following the developments in modern science and associated fields of study, it is clear that all bodies (living beings and inanimate objects) exchange forms of energy with their surroundings. Light, heat, and other kinds of radiated electromagnetic energy are absorbed, transformed and released again in this way.
Crystals do also resonate with their own energy signatures. Depending on the mineral, they display a measurable oscillation across the entire range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Even if the energy levels of crystals are of relatively low intensity, they still have a discernibly great impact because their magnetic resonance is both harmonic and continuous.
Where ever you feel attuned.
There are so many useful books and resources – start wherever and go from there.
When the electromagnetic field of a crystal comes into contact with the human organism, it influences the following:
Crystals you will find out that the crystals and stones that you use, and which ever way that you use them are generally related to the chakras of the body and the Kundalini energy that flows through them.
Crystal healing centres on the energy of the body and the energy of the crystal. When they are aligned, healing may occur.
Crystal healing is used in Reiki, Meditation, Dowsing, Pendulums, Auric fields, Kinesiology, Tapping, Reflexology and much more. Or you can simply wear a piece of jewellery or carrying a stone around with you as stated above.