Forgetting our inner purity

Possible consequences of ignoring our true Self

In possibly never cleansing our energy fields, we may gradually become unrecognisable as our true inner light spark, eventually merging with the density of this ‘here’. The (temporary) personality can become so wrapped up in being busy, being ‘right’, and being virtuous through the seduction of material acquisition, that stopping to listen to Self seems to hold no value.

    instead of  . . .

Seen from the ego filters, pausing to reconnect with Self, removing all vestiges of every ‘before’ and starting each new day, in fresh energy is a waste of precious (limited) time. But, what if disengaging from the personality web was the sole reason for being here?

What if the apparently insurmountable challenges that we feel are choking us and stifling our life force are actually there as gifts from the other dimension aspects of ourselves, to remind ‘us’ to break free from the very beliefs that were so carefully placed within our psychological programming?


To possibly grow beyond apparent difficulties/differences.

What if the answer were as simple as letting go ‘the fairy tale’?

We all have been set up so well    

That life we are ashamed of/hate/wish had not happened.

It did. Why not make friends with it instead? That other way has not worked yet . .

Leaving the script that was so lovingly placed within by those (less than) “perfect” parents, the (less than) “perfect” family and the (less than) “perfect” childhood that we may presently take as being the sole cause of our current distress?

What if they all did the best performance?
At our behest?

What if all we have to do is to release the judgement?
To see all as players in our play, as invited in?

Deviated from their own story-lines for the duration, whilst we practice letting go?

Until we chose to absolve all hurt, all suffering based on expectation, and see only THEIR divinity. See only divinity in all?

But what if we chose to be so stuck in retribution, payback and recreating the exact dramas indefinitely that now, at this point in the planet’s evolution, we have chosen as Self, to return to experience all at once?

Hit from all angles until we wake up?

Those very ones chosen before arriving PLANNED to allow maximum lesson impact.

To see that all, regardless of circumstance are here, as all are, to experience. (Oh dear, does that mean “I” let go blame, drop “victim” and embrace responsibility/”grow up”/ascend?)

To work in and with duality, to transcend it.

To see the trap of judgement, of the mostly subconscious filing every experience into the inner account ledgers. (It’s good if I believe in it, its ‘bad’ if it goes against my inner programmes. . . . ) – of learning to jump into Super rather than Sub- conscious mode, as an automatic option.

To see the spark, the droplet of pure light, God in all.

What if all the early experiences that we trot out as horror stories for sympathy/dispensation were actually exactly as intended?

What if our mission this time around is to see ourselves as beyond the script?

Beyond accumulating the people and things that are here marked out as “success”.

What if we are here solely to experience – all that there can be?

What to do?

Wake up