Windows need cleaning?

How is life seen through foggy windscreen/dirty glasses?

We are more than our body . .

If we observe the world through the grubby fog of smeary energy fields,

We may get the wrong picture ..

Maybe time to cleaned the windows of our Soul?

We may have gotten distracted?
Totally lost within the game of life.

Having forgotten that all is but a distraction, now is time to Wake Up.

We live here in the planet of ‘free choice’. . . . . and forgot that we have choices.
Often being too busy to return ourselves to inner equilibrium.

What we live in is our own reality – in a constructed space – created so that we DO forget, and we DO then get caught up.

Those energy blocks, those rips and tears in our auric fields, those attachments and the stains, grime and general grubbiness that we do not perceive, (as it is not in the tangible world we take as being “reality”), all eventually become as though they were part of “us”.

We seek treatment, for conditions that disturb our personality’s version on the point to our life.

We may think that we can book in for a service, (massage, ‘healing’ session) and pay for our inner work to be done for us, as though we were the family car needing a tune-up. Finally – when the body says NO loud enough that we HAVE to do something . . . (Cry for help)

The migraines stop us from living within an intolerable situation –
We think that someone else can – fix the migraines, but leave the life intact.

The menstrual/hormonal disorders induced by the energy/blood blockages cover up the abhorrence sexual relating has been this life, since we set in motion a train of abuse encounters to work/live through.

The gut distress – reminding us that we CAN”t keep going like this – carrying all of . . .


Time to LET GO . . .