Healing means change


Healing can’t happen without it.

  • Get yourself in a quiet space
  • A glass of water, past the one you drink right now
  • Turn off all other distractions


All that you may have held dear to you is up for  . . . change . .

The content is different. .

We look at the ‘instructions’ the body receives – not the consequences.

You will see in all medical conversations of anything when coming to ‘etiology’ – why – what happened to get you to where a condition occurs – ‘more research needed’ or not ‘we don’t know’.

Instead I am explaining from a different paradigm/undertaking – ‘this is why’ . .

How do I know?
Life experience based on being a natural healing problem solver.
The answers are out there – and easily tapped into.

We will delve into how to undo what has so far been stored within you.

What happened to be here, now?
Eventually everything being stored, happening and trying to work through /with what you were doing just got too much . .
(Your body after giving very many warnings – is saying NOOOOOO) .

It all just got TOO MUCH and your body revolted

After maybe many attempts to shut the warning signs up – and to pretend that the body was ‘out of order’

There is a different way . .


Work WITH your body – not against it


Housekeeping note – when finished one topic to move onto the next lesson –  you have to go back to the top