Who is in charge?

Time to reclaim all of you.

Forgive me . .

Dropping you in it like this . .
There is no easy way . .
You are more than you thought.

We will go through the different aspects of self –
You may wish to get yourself a cup of warm water, get yourself in a comfy position: We have here – the real possibility of CHANGE.

This may come as a surprise if this is a new concept . .

If you view yourself as having three aspects – being in charge is needed first.

Although it seems a strange question – maybe ask yourself – who is in charge?

Ideally you will be aligned at the end of this – to the to circle . .
And be so much less reactive/distressed.

Steps to get there . .
Start with your Qi. . (energy)
We live in a body . .
We have three aspects of this body and need to appreciate each one.

There are energy bodies – our culture may ignores this.

Having been an acupuncturist for most of my life, I know this is what drives the physical.

Much as a house /building is wired with electrical fuses and charges – we are also.



These need to be aligned and to do this, becoming more aware may be your first step.