9 – The pathway of the Kidney meridian

Information to run a well body is carried – much as electrical currents.

The Kidney meridian, as all channels, runs on both sides of the body, and is not just on the surface but runs many pathways within/throughout the physical body.

5-kidneyWhen the Kidney energy runs smoothly, breathing in easily is assured.


If not so strong you may have issues in:

  • continence,
  • hormonal and developmental milestones,
  • hair falling,
  • sexual vigor and competence, and enjoyment,
  • reproductive prowess,
  • egg quality,
  • teeth and their health.
  • Your aging rate, your ability to hold babies, your urination being easy – especially not up and down all night and of course your interest in sex.

Why not make sure the lines of energy at least are happy?

Move your body and it will look after you is the key message I hope that you have learned in this short run through some of the body’s energy lines.