‘Round and round’ – above navel

With the entire palmar surface, having lifted our hand touch – so it is just a drag on the surface. More oil will be needed.
9x around and then repeat the first two moves – this is SOOO gentle .
Always do a perimeter sweep.
Jiggle jiggle lightly is always worth it also-  if in doubt, feel the difference in your pull ups .
It DOES improve radically with all of this – when done very gently.

Please remember that his is hardly touch at all – with more oil and a very warm set of hands.
We are working with your left thoracic duct/ cisterna chyli. Learn more about the function of the pH and this very important part of your physiology (new organ ‘JUST’ discovered – of course it was always there – just where a cadaver is being cut up – there is no QI and hence no understanding – life is about living – so we are being very gentle as the Reichian armour bands are also implicated in all here – the old TCM ‘Liver Qi Invading the Spleen’ routine . .

What Lives Beneath . .

Spiritual bathing is not something our culture does

– yet it is so healing . . Read more here.

You are more than a belly!

At any time you may want more of a body, less of a belly shake up – here it is  . .