Upper Belly Calming

The Spleen energy in health: Connective tissue integrity, all digestive functions working and lymph flows effortlessly.

The Spleen Qi when distressed – can have some or all of these bodily functions dwindle – and at different times of the day, month, season – may retrieve themselves, or collapse. This is the energy physiology – not the physical bits that are under their guidance. Thus – mainstream medical explanations and labeling of ‘dis eases’ will not assist you to clear the blockages – YOU can – by treating your body with respect. No cold, No sweet and hold back the raw – as you need digestive assistance (cooking) when in these states.

More on the belly work is found in my Selfing course – the Soothing section. Please remember – shallow and very gentle and slow. There is no race here – you are letting your body guide you. When working in another you will have a different stance. Pull-ups before will astound you as after this – try again. How is this possible? We are shifting blockages – in the fluids – and the QI then can flow. What has held it in place (stored for later??). Much emotional residue. Moves the Qi, your lifting/holding in place instructions can work again. The Spleen energy in the East Asian/Chinese medical model is known/has been found to control all flesh – and digestion and fluids in the body.