
Your tongue will change was we go through this process
Please take a picture of it and keep it handy.

What is Jing?

Jing is another Chinese concept that has no easy translation into the English language or concepts.
Jing could be considered as ‘life capital’.

Jing allows us to be here in a body, enjoying our senses.
Jing is an energy concept incorporating the DNA coding – this means the egg and the sperm are Jing’s physical presence.Jing is the essential energy building block. It forms the foundation of Kidney energy, which is itself the root of Yin and Yang Qi.

Read more about Jing here

Fill in the Jing Markers charts as your weekly/monthly health report card.

Do fill them out and use them as a health report card – as this is what your period is (if you are allowing yourself to bleed as a woman) and your sperm analysis says( if you have reports done). You CAN change them and they do show up what is going ‘wrong’ in the body. You just  need someone who uses life and health as their guides – not surgery and medications.

The body does heal itself . . .
When you let it.

Here is how . .