Before Period


Pain comes in with a raft of issues that are labeled ‘hormonal’ and IBS and migraines and all sorts of tension/stress/spasms/cramps all through body – is all about being free flowing.


The uterus may be lying in an non optimal position and the effort of trying to get the blood to flow out may create the pain/fullness and distention as the blood filled iuterus is laying on top of other structures, all impeding normal fow.

Stuck Liver Qi

Not enough exercise /orgasms /not speaking your truth, insufficient magnesium in your diet/ and/or not enough dietary fat and resources to run a great menstrual cycle.


Take charge and get serious about living your life for yourself.

More exercise, good living, drinking water, not caffeine or alcohol.

Paint iodine on skin of belly all month, if it soaks in before 24 hours – you need it to regulate all womanly cycles and your breasts.

Maybe low thyroid function usually due to presence of heavy metals and not enough iodine.

Using a lot of magnesium on your body and eating whole foods

FInd a Mayan/Arvigo therapist to allow you to work with this gentlly at home.

Read more.