Estrogen Dominance


Modern life has messed with the delicate play of reproductive and life hormones meaning all stages of all life are now affected.

Seen also in cancers, infertility, all menstrual cycles, and increasingly younger girls starting puberty and bleeding way too heavily. 


All women’s cycles and bodies are under attack from the curse of toxic foreign substances and pretend estrogens.

Making all life and bleeding and fertility stages more difficult.

Start with Iodine as thus assists the cystic and metabolic problems associated with excess toxins.

Use zeolites to safely, easily, quickly remove the chemical residues


Become aware and start asking different questions of life.

Begin by simplifying all you can.

Remove all chemicals in all areas – including skin ‘care’ and household products.

Add Iodine on your skin daily and eat sea veggies several times a day.

Look to detoxing safely and easily.

Start drinking a lot more pure water,eating far more coloured crunchy veggies and animal fats with protein.

Avoid all sugars and anything that converts to sugars in your body as these cause more inflammation.  Eat far more fat.

Read more – normal – what it looks like