Normal period


You may not know, as this may have never been discussed, or expected in your family.

Medical profession is geared towards illness, not optimal health, so this is not known or encouraged.


28/29 days between,

Starting when 13/14 yo going till 49/early 50’s

4 – 5 days good bleeding, not debilitating

starting red and stopping red;

no lumps, clots, gushes or pain; no life or body or mood disruptions.


Anything that upsets your Shen, your gut, your sense of who you are will impact on your menstrual abilities.

Over life not addressing any and all of these will impact on your life as a woman and mean that allfertility, pregnancy, sexuality and being a woman is difficult.

Losing your Yang Qi through exposure to cold, or not looking after yourself, will hasten period deterioration.

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