Auto Immune Reactions


Body mistakenly starts attacking parts of itself, as though it were an invader.

Given medial names, not why these imbalances to optimal happen means that you are medicated, not fixed – or helped to understand what lead you to where your template is messed up.


Not understanding the causes of disease.

Nutritional depletion through eating in the modern world will also be a part of the creation of your dilemmas

Likely at the very least a massive Vitamin B 12 depletion – please see more here.

If your gut is inviolved (vey likely as your gut and immune system are almost the same), most likely from irregular eating/ immoderate life habits  and exposure to toxins and inflammatory (sugar/food) processes over time.

Could be from a corrupted immune response after vaccination.


See a good natural therapist about undoing what has happened to you.

Support normal through simple eating, more pure water, lots of rest and exercise, no sugar or foods that convert to this – grains and cereals. No alcohol.

Support your own immune system so it can recognise its own invaders naturally (yang) /avoid coldso thyroid works

Avoid all vaccinations with aluminium, mercury, foreign animal and human tissues.

If you must vaccinate, only do so when very well, and have filled yourself with Vit DVit C andmagnesium for weeks before.

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