Vitamin C


Vitamin C is essential for life (hence is called a vital amine (vitamin).

Humans are one of the species on the planet that cannot manufacture it themselves – so we need it in our diet and in an adequate amount – daily.

it protects against tissue breakdown, allows the immunity to work properly and is essential for detoxing all that the liver has to deal with.

Vitamin C plays an especially important role in protecting the sperm’s genetic material (DNA) from damage.

Vitamin C is water soluble and needs to be taken all through the day.


Essential for detoxing, for cleaning up all endotoxins from bacteria hence clean out the liver and help hormonal repair/optimal health.

Vitamin C is not found in oranges – need actual throughout the day small and constant amounts of supplementation for useful fertility results.


Essential for both male and female fertility improvements.

Read more on Vitamin C in general

On male fertility specifically

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