Health Restoration


Not possible if you keep asking the wrong questions. Not how to ‘get rid of’ or ‘cure’ whatever – but how to avoid it in the first place.

Wellness comes from the traditional ways all elders/mothers taught their children to live.

Now natural health and traditional ways of healing is in competition to retail pharmaceutical and modern ‘food marketing, hence is downplayed and written off as not being ‘scientific’.


Very few see the whole picture, or that the consequences of living as we have, have lead us all to here.

Cause and effect – whether it is cancer, endometriosisinfertility or something ‘simple’ as headaches that stay all day.


Go back to what always has worked – listen to nature and what your body is telling you.

Eating for life, sleeping, drinking pure water, exercising, becoming more real with your life and yourself.

This means change radically all that you have done to date.

Research yourself and go with what feels whole body/soul healing for yourself and the rest of your life – not what others tell you.