Periods Change


Any alteration away from normal means there is an imbalance.

Normal reminder –

(28/29 days, 4 – 5 days good bleeding starting red and stopping red; no lumps, clots, gushes or pain; no life or body or mood disruptions.


Optimal health means easy bleeding and fertility, pregnancy, birthing and life as a woman.

If anything upsets  her mind/body balance a woman’s menstrual cycle will reflect this.


Seek stability and regularity in all things.

Nourish life at every opportunity – we live in the same body the entire journey.

Live as simple and pure life as possible as all chemicals upset the delicate balance.

Blood energy is crucial to easy bleeding.

Iodine and magnesium, Vit D and fats are base ingredients.

Paint iodine on skin of belly all month, if it soaks in before 24 hours – you need it to regulate all womanly cycles and your breasts

Find a Mayan therapist who can work on all the levels that you feel stuck in/on concurrently.

See a good acupuncturist/natural health care professional for more information about your specific situation.