Woman Tides


Monthly bleeding is normal and does not come with disruptions to life.

When all works well – the blood flows, then stops, as though on automatic – no trouble at all.

Possible changes to the environment may need to be factored in to have a normal cycle now.

Possibly uneventfully for 40+ years, naturally only interrupted by pregnancy.


If all of a woman’s life is stable, there is normal Blood / and Qi production (digestive processes intact) and circulation (all Qi and Blood flowing correctly.


Periods should not interfere with life at all, except the need to wear some ‘protection’ to absorb thelining of the uterus that did not receive a baby to make this month.

Always only use safe intimate care products. (Anything else may create the problems so common as chemicals are likely to be assimilated from all products next to delicate and often moist skin).

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