OCD / Obsessive Compulsive


Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by uncontrollable, unwanted thoughts and repetitive, ritualized behaviors you feel compelled to perform.

If this is you, you probably recognize that your obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors are irrational – but even so, you feel unable to resist them and break free.


Being shocked or traumatised at some point, with or without a nutritional lack of basic resources(Blood) can throw you into this.

Nutritional depletion through eating in the modern world will also be a part of the creation of your dilemmas

Likely at the very least a massive Vitamin B 12 depletion – please see more here.

May have other massive nutritional imbalances.

Maybe from a traumatic early life – including pre, or at birth.

Stuck Liver Qi


Undo what set you on this journey

Investigate whether you have pyroluria and get treatment (bio available zinc and Vit B 6 etc).

Eat for life – take more B complex and micronutrients anyway.

Eat for happiness

Avoid all sugar/caffiene/alcohol as these will heighten all upset inner behaviour patterns. (Inner Heat)

Nourish yourself with more nutrient dense foods allowing the normal expression of Blood and Qi to help put you back on a life affirming path.

Seek a natural care health professional to look at all your issues, not ‘just’ the obvious cry for help.

Spiritual cleansing may help.

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