

Molybdenum is an essential cofactor for many of the enzymes involved in protein synthesis – thus . .

Molybdenum is the key to normal growth and development, especially nervous system.

It is also an ingredient of tooth enamel and may help to prevent tooth decay.

It works with vitamin B2 in the conversion of food to energy


Often overlooked as is a micronutrient and may be indicated in all cases of sub optimal health resulting in infertility /miscarriages.

Helps with metabolism of fats and carbohydrates; helps form digestive enzymes

Need nutrient-rich soil for all food to contain this.

Molybdenum helps generate energy, process waste for excretion, mobilize stored iron for the body’s use, and detoxify sulfites (chemicals used as food preservatives). As such,

Molybdenum is also necessary for iron utilization, alcohol detoxification, and a component involved in the production of uric acid (a nitrogen waste product of protein metabolism).

It may also act as an antioxidant and be important in normal sexual function in men.


Found in milk, cheese, cereal grains, legumes, nuts, leafy vegetables, and organ meats.

The amount in plant-derived foods depends on the soil content in the growing area.

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