

Unreasonable attacks of anger often with no apparent good reason.

(see also ‘PMT/S’)


You have been being ‘nice’/civil/bottling/ festering for too long.

May have massive nutritional imbalances.

When the extra Blood is there prior to a period starting, the extra heat can set in motion in reality what you have been hiding.


Read through all on Stuck Liver Qi and start moving it.

Express yourself – bottling it makes all so much worse.

Start with meditation for the purpose 

Exercise – outside – daily.

Stabilise blood chemistry with appropriate foods and fluids – no sugar or caffeine or alcohol (turns to sugar and hard on the already stressed liver).

Plenty of fat (helps makes hormones Vit D (happy hormone) and protein –to stabilise blood sugars.

Avoid all sugar rushes – fruit and juice will load you up with sugar highs also.

Maybe change your behavour around fuelling yourself?

Start a version of your own spiritual bathing to clear yourself and local area.

The guided meditation may help settle you to be able to sleep/calm yourself with visualisations and directed breathing

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