

Lacking available iodine alone may account for most health and gut, immune and fertility /women’s cycles/men’s prostate issues.

Thus low thyroid function.

Accidental and accumulated exposure to other halides – fluoride, chloride and bromides cause iodinedepletion.


Women needs at least 6x more iodine bioavailable than men to live well.

There is no RDA (recommended daily allowance) acknowledged.

Bromides that bully out iodine are added to all water, most foods, found in furnishings and bedding.

Magnesium may be missing

No detoxification protocol can miss using iodine


Eat more seaweed/ sea foods.

Paint Lugol’s solution on your belly/ breasts/skin and see how long the swathe takes to absorb – should still be there (brown) 48 hours later.

Check BBT

What are you making hormones with?

Read more (free eBook)