Self Harming


As a response to not being in charge – a version of self-control takes shape.

Can also be completely ignoring your own needs as you over eat/over help others (ignoring your own issues)

May have a very calm exterior/mask that you have constructed.


You feel that you are in control – this starts up another stuck cycle.

Takes on a life of its own, as you try to make sense of what is now essentially in a loop. See more here

See also OCD and PTSD

See Shen/Blood energy

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Tell someone who will care about you. Share your troubles.

Investigate whether you have pyroluria and get treatment (bio available zinc and Vit B6  etc).

Eat for life – take more B complex and micronutrients anyway. Eat fat

Avoid all sugar/caffeine/alcohol as these will heighten all upset inner behaviour patterns.

Nourish yourself with more nutrient dense foods allowing the normal expression of Blood and Qi to help put you back on a life affirming path.

See Unwanted sexual attention.

Seek a natural care health professional to look at all your issues, not ‘just’ the obvious cry for help.