Why would you think that what you put next to your most sensitive skin is not safe?
Contaminants are really being added into your intimate bits as you use ‘protection’
Causing your menstrual and hormonal grief . .
Have you ever thought about how many personal hygiene products you will use in your lifetime? You might use up to 15,000 or more tampons/pads. This part of your body is one of women’s most vulnerable and sensitive. These products are going so close to your ‘lady parts’ and the effects of toxins absorbed here can be pretty dangerous for your overall health.
This is where conventional tampons and pads fail. Despite the adverts of smiling women skydiving and horse-riding to their hearts content, conventional tampons are TOXIC. As are the pads .
“Floating around the internet in recent weeks was an announcement from Argentinian researchers who, quite by accident, found that sterile women’s health products were anything but sterile. It turns out that cotton grown from genetically modified cotton seeds and sprayed with glyphosate (RoundUp and other herbicides) across the growth cycle, retain, and likely leach, glyphosate from the products that the cotton is spun into. It should not be a surprise that those cotton-based products retain the chemicals from which they were grown or processed, but it was. Not because the idea is far-fetched, it isn’t. Indeed, it is biologically more likely that these chemicals are retained than it is that they somehow would magically disappear post processing. What was surprising is that we never thought about this before.
Should we worry?
Separate to the total lack of absorbancy . .
Yes I think so – what is this colour coming back up inside us when the pad is wet?
Chemicals released as the water (not coloured fluids we use them for) show up what we inadvertently soak back up inside us . . . tiny amounts of dioxin cause endometriosis – listen up . .what about the glycosphate
(Esp as I decide that the one on the left is not what it actually is – I decided that as it was so bad it was a ‘cheap and a nastie’ from the supermarket – yet then realised that the ‘organic’ – was not only useless as a ‘protection’ in maternity – it discolours the paper towel when you squeeze it all back out.
Extra note – it is the Libra that are discolouring – it is the Carefree TAMPONS that go beige instantly they are wet . . another reason to not use them – besides they only hold 30 ml at their best . .
Get your Drion box of pads and get bleeding safely HERE
What about just useless and why wear them?
When my internet speed picks up you can see just how bad the 100% organic cotton ones are – OK if you are dripping, not if bleeding well.
Also the organics in general and the supermarket ones – up against an incontinent pad as what DO women wear when in maternity mode?
When you think about a tampon, what might you expect it to be made of? Pure cotton, probably? After all, that is how they are marketed to us. Unfortunately this is not the case. You would be surprised how many ingredients are actually in one tampon, and it is these harmful additives that are absorbed into our bodies.
Often, there is no natural cotton present (even though the label may lead you to believe there is). Instead, a synthetic version of cotton is generally used, and these synthetic, tree-derived materials are NOTHING like cotton and can present a danger to our health as the fibers can be left behind inside our bodies. Even the applicators can be laced with toxic chemicals.
In a major loophole of the $2 billion dollar industry that is the feminine hygiene domain, manufacturers of tampons and sanitary pads are not required to disclose the ingredients of such products because they are bizarrely classified as a ‘medical device’. In addition, the US Food and Drug Administration (USDA) does not have mandatory safety guidelines for the materials used in feminine hygiene products. As such, companies pretty much have free reign to put whatever chemicals they like in tampons, and do so with abandon, without regard for a woman’s well being.
Some of the ingredients used in conventional tampons/pads include:
When you think that these products are placed next to one of the most absorbent and sensitive parts of our body, it is actually quite alarming.
The use of conventional tampons is dangerous for our health and has been linked to:
Are they even useful?
Here you discover how little they work . .
And the colours that may leach out – and thus into you – what is THAT about?
Should you worry?
Perhaps stay tuned and see what you can do about NOT getting damaged when bleeding?
Organic and supermarket . .
And the Drion . .
Including – just HOW much are they holding? Really – why bother??
Here I (and you when you watch the 8 1/2 minutes) discover that they do not hold much – and they stay wet – and this will be chaffing your recently birthing bits and altogether are NOT what you want at this time. Plus the organic one (at 87% I am not sure about that claim) when opened up when wet feel soapy/gluey – so what is coming back up inside you?
Colours coming through?
That in itself may be causing your ‘hormonal’ and over bleeding problems.
Also what else happens post birth?
I strongly urge you to use these Drion pads to see just what you can transform your life.
A lot of the apparently ‘normal’ hormonal and period problems that you have – may be being caused solely by the chemicals from the pads and tampons you are using (great retail model – create a problem so they need to buy more product) that are leaching back up into your body. Use the liners as the milk pads – so your supermarket and even ‘organic’ ones are not leaching back . . .